About me, about this art, and about Valeyu Ká

Hey! I’m Brandon. I’m a channeler, intuitive, energy healer, an energyhealing instructor, an artist now, I guess, and more! I originally began learning and practicing energyhealing and working with my intuition consciously in 2017. Since then, I have been growing my gifts, channeling and channeling and channeling, and diving deep into energyhealing, consciousness work, spirituality, and all sorts of other amazing things for the highest good! I always do my best to work and operate in the highest and best ways possible, facilitate what is fully for the highest good and highest and best for me to facilitate, follow my intuition and Divine Guidance, come from the best place I possibly can, and, my intention is to have the highest and best impact I can have for the highest good in all ways, that or better!

I’ve been facilitating channeled and intuitive readings professionally through my website since 2021 and have facilitated many hundreds by now, (though of course I’ve been channeling, working with my intuition, and facilitating energyhealing sessions and classes well before that!) Regarding energyhealing classes, I’ve been facilitating energyhealing classes, such as Reiki classes, since 2019. You can find more of my work, including channeled MP3s, the Let’s Go Higher monthly membership, channeled guided meditations and more, as well as more about it, at brandonhbloom.com. I’ve also been facilitating a lot of work, channeling, and channeled and intuitive readings on social media, specifically on Tiktok ( @channellingsource ) and Youtube ( @channelingsource ).

Regarding Valeyu Ká, it originally started out as Valeyu-Mí. (My spirit team gave me the new name, Valeyu Ká, and an energetic update for it around late 2023/early 2024.) These symbols, which you see featured in the art here, began channeling through from Source and the Angels (and more for the highest good), in 2018. They would show up as channeled and/or intuitive visuals, and then I would be divinely guided through drawing them. I would then receive a name for each one, as well as what it did. In the early days, I was still newer to channeling and would sometimes work with others to see what the symbols did. Nowadays, it is much more effortless for me to channel through and receive that information on the symbols, so there are updated meanings and versions of the symbols that will be displayed on this site. (That’s part of why it was renamed, I’m hearing as I write this.)

Originally, these symbols were taught as part of an energyhealing modality, and were utilized for energyhealing. (They still are meant to be utilized for energyhealing, and still can be! We’ll get to that in a second. It’s been added in that they do a lot of work through their visual presence, hence, the art work.) The first Valeyu-Mí class was facilitated in early 2020, and a few more were taught since then! The second class for Valeyu-Mí, following that first class and 12 or so symbols taught, never quite got off the ground in those days. (For anyone reading this who has taken a Valeyu-Mí class with me, you can utilize those symbols and energies exactly as you were taught and how you have been Divinely guided to work with them, and the Attunements you received are still honored and respected by The Divine and by the modality! Very little will change for you regarding that, but you might notice the energies ‘beef up’ a bit more as this gets out there! You may also feel called to the updated attunement for Valeyu Ká which will be available on this website in the future!)

Around 2022 to 2023, the symbols and Valeyu-Mí were put on the back burner as I received a new and more potent modality to teach and facilitate classes for. I was guided to hold off on the symbols for a while, and to stop teaching classes, though I was still getting messages at certain times that they could go out into the world in different ways so that they could do their work. Eventually, however, as I got further along with channeling through and teaching the new modality (The Source Fires), the symbols were put back on the table in a new form. Here’s where Valeyu Ká comes in!

After dabbling in art for a bit, I noticed a large ramp up in my artistic abilities after listening to some channels on creativity. I thoroughly, thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed the art that was coming through, and felt I had found a cool way to display the symbols as well through my experimentation and intuitive and divine guidance over time. I’d also received a reading from a great intuitive reader who brought through the message to take time for art around or right before this time. So I did! And this is what started to happen.

The art here on this website is channeled, or intuitively guided (or both!). I do my best to listen to what I’m being guided to do by the angels and Source for and through this art, and I pay attention to what my intuition is telling me, and I just put it onto the canvas (digital or physical! but right now mostly digital.) So far, it is always based on and around a channeled Valeyu Ká symbol, and serves as a bolster and support to the symbol’s energies, along with whatever else it does for the highest good. While not all of the art is fully 100% channeled (and a lot of it is!), there is at least some of that energy in each of the art pieces. (All Valeyu Ká symbols, however are 100% channeled.) In the future, I may lean into 100% channeling each art piece as this develops.

In January 2024, I got the clear message to sell the Valeyu Ká art, and open an online store for it. So that’s where this website comes in! I was not sure, at first, if I would begin selling this art, or what I would do with it, but I’m so glad to have received that message, as I’ve been excited about it ever since! Visual art was always something I was at least somewhat interested in, but was not something I thought I would do or sell until recently. So I find it even at least a little bit surprising that I’ve been so excited about this, and how much I’ve enjoyed creating (or co creating?) and channeling through and intuiting the art! How does it get any better than this?

More on Valeyu Ká

Valeyu Ká symbols pull directly from Source, and they and their energies work only for the highest good to have the highest and best effects and results, moment to moment, for each situation, being, etc. they are working on behalf of. Thus, they are great to have in your space! (Hence, the art store.) When it comes to what they work on, and what levels they work on, they can work on every level for the highest good. That is to say, they can work on the mental, emotional, energetic, and physical levels, and beyond.

The energies of Valeyu Ká are infinitely intelligent, infinitely wise, all knowing, and always know just how to work for the highest good. You will probably find that they are potent and effective, and that they are not your average joe when it comes to energyhealing and what they bring to the table! Valeyu Ká symbols and energies work with the layers of reality that underwrite reality to create potent shifts and changes for the highest good, though they can also work in more and other ways, so don’t limit them to that!

If you were to activate and work with a Valeyu Ká symbol, the energies would pull from Source, would flow and go where they need to, and would do whatever work would be for the highest good for them to do. You would work with your Divine Guidance and intuition to know which symbols to utilize and when, and where to visualize/place them, and how to further work with the symbols and their energies!

There will be more information on Valeyu Ká and working with it in the future! For now, please enjoy the art and what the channeled symbols bring your way!

I truly hope these Valeyu Ká symbols and energies, this artwork, and everything regarding this work does whatever would be for the highest good for it to do for you!

I am wishing you well!
